Artificial Grass Installation Costs

Winter Sale: Any top end Artificial Grass Supplied & Grade A installation maximum £50m2 !!

The first question most people ask when considering Artificial Grass is how much will it cost?  Whilst there is no simple answer as there are so many factors that can influence price, I will do my best to give you at least some idea of the cost to supply and install artificial lawn.

The first thing that any installer will consider is how much preparatory work is going to be involved, but to simplify as best I can i will presume that your area is a fairly regular shape being almost square or rectangular in shape, and fairly flat, not level as i will explain later which is a totally different thing, irregular shapes inevitably lead to more waste artificial grass then regular shaped area but not always.

The installer will consider to what depth he must cut out the old grass and to get the ground to a condition where they will be ready to start building up the sub-base level, obviously the least amount of waste the better, there is however a minimum that should be removed and that is an average of 4″, this figure varies and will need to be considerably more if you are unfortunate enough to have a high proportion of clay or very loose soil in your garden, the amount of spoil to be dug out will determine what size skip or trailer the installer will need.

Again if your garden perimeter has many curves the contractor should use resin battens in the curved area as opposed to treated timber which are the norm, unfortunately the resin batten is considerably more expensive that timber.




Clearly some gardens will require more preparatory work than others! 

Once the Area has been dug out sufficiently the contractor will decide how much sub-base he will require, again several factors will determine this figure first and foremost is the actual size of the area in question, the underlying soil conditions (a soft soil composition will require more than a hand soil)

The height of the required level, and uneven ground all come into play to name but a few.


A very large complete project in Oxfordshire


In this example the area required some 18 tons of type 1 MOT sub base to be added, in addition as the area to be laid to artificial grass was completely bordered by granite sets on a mortar bed we decided to include a large soak away to ensure  proper drainage of the area.


The above project finished with a 38mm C shaped Artificial Grass


After the preparation the most expensive item in any installation is the cost of the Artificial Grass chosen, there are literally hundreds on the market and can vary in price from the very basic and very bad type of AstroTurf  you might have seen under the fruit and veg in your greengrocers, up to the very deep pile supersoft range new to the market, the quality of the grass and preparation will dictate 100% how the finished installation will look, feel and last. but for the purposes of this exercise  I will presume that a good quality lawn will be chosen with a cost price of between £15m2 to £22m2  after all having Artificial Grass installed should be a one off and if you are getting the lawn installed professionally then choosing a really cheap poor quality grass can be false economy.

Of course the installer will require more Artificial grass that he will actually lay,  the lawns come in various widths up to 5 meters in some cases (4 meter width being the norm) so inevitably there will be waste lawn by way of off-cuts so if you have a very irregular shape there will be far more waste that a regularly shaped area, unfortunately these off-cuts are of no use to man nor beast as they are manufactured in batches and each batch will be very slightly different from other batches so a mix and match approach will not work unless you want a patchwork quilt effect (most people don”t), the reputable contractor will not charge you the laid price for the waste but should only charge the cost price of the actual grass, and in some cases like us we will accept a degree of waste within the quote.

Then we come to the variables, many of the new generation installers will be franchisees and as such will  either pay excessively for the lawn from the franchiser to whom they are tied or pay a fee to get the lead, they will often pay a large one off fee to become a franchise and are very often so tied that they are required to also lease their vehicles and plant from the franchiser, all in all a costly business with the franchiser making more from the deal than the installer, in short you will pay more to have your Artificial Grass installed by a franchised installer than an independent.

Equally if you have contacted Check a Trade, Trusted Tradesmen or any of the numerous referral websites then you must consider that the installer who will contact you will have either paid for the lead or paid a subscription to the lead generating provider, and they are not cheap so they fee will often end up on your doorstep!

To the price taking everything into consideration you will probably look to pay between £60m2 to a top end of £75m2 to have a top end lawn supplied and professionally installed, any less and you should be suspicious of the quality of the Artificial Grass and or the quality of the level of preparation, any more and you should consider that you may well be being taken advantage of.

So as you can see from the above, there is no straightforward answer every garden is different. however Winter is here and generally things get quieter as such we still have overheads and wages to pay and are happy to break even this time of year, so you simply can’t find a better offer than this


Winter sale any top end Artificial Lawn supplied and expertly fitted for a maximum of £50m2 plus a full 20% off all labour charges for any                                                                                           ancillary hard landscaping works!


We urge anyone considering Artificial grass to think about the design aspect of their garden before committing to anything, the addition of a water feature, extending the patio, a block border or perhaps flower beds made out of sleepers can totally transform the area, any doubts give me a call advice is totally free and with no obligation and i will bet the additional works are cheaper than you expected.

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Contact us to get a no obligation quote on a new artificial lawn.